LP released: May 27, 2022

1. Trepa No Coqueiro - Ari Kerner Veiga De Castro ; Ari Kerner Veiga De Castro
2. Uma Casa Portuguesa - Reinaldo Ferreira, Matos Sequeira ; Artur Fonseca
3. Fado Madragoa - Josú Galhardo ; Raul Ferròo
4. Sem Razòo - Fernando Farinha ; Alberto Correia
5. Sempre Que Lisboa Canta - Anýbal Nazarú ; Carlos Rochat
6. Lerele - Francisco Mu±oz Currito ; Genaro Monreal Lacosta
7. Si Si Si - Josú Púrez Moradiellos
8. No Me Tires Indirú - Ram¾n Parell¾ ; Genaro Monreal Lacosta
9. Lisboa Antiga - Josú Galhardo ; Raul Portela
10. Quem O Fado Calunia - Anýbal Nazarú ; Raul Ferròo
11. Lisboa Ó Noite - Fernando Santos ; Carlos Dias
12. Marujo Portuguûs - Linhares Barbosa ; Artur Ribeiro
13. Fado Gingòo - Lamberto Braz ; Moniz Trindade (Egas Moniz Fúlix Trindade)
14. Mi Florero - Luis G¾mez Gutiúrrez-otero
15. A´e Mourir Pour Toi - Charles Aznavour
16. Marcha Do Centenßrio - Norberto De Ara·jo ; Raul Ferròo
17. Verde Limòo

Amßlia Rodrigues, international star, nicknamed 'the Queen of Fado', has maintained a special relationship with France and Paris in particular. From the end of the 1950s, she found success there and became a popular artist, filling Parisian halls.